The Provider Alliance (TPA) supports agencies that serve people with intellectual disability and autism across Pennsylvania. We do this through collaboration, advocacy, innovation and information-sharing across our membership. The Provider Alliance promotes best practices and workforce development to help our members deliver safe, supportive, and compassionate services that our part of the fabric of our local communities.


Advocacy Tool Kit


Grassroots advocacy is a powerful tool for strengthening the voice of our Community.

Resources for Meeting with your Legislators

We believe that reaching out to your legislators is one of the most powerful tools in our advocacy. Here are some resources for your meetings.
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2023 ID/A Workforce & Service Landscape

Click below to download the Infographic

ID/A Associations Press Conference on May 3, 2023

Click below to download the Press Release.

2023 ID/A Associations Budget Request to PA General Assembly

Click below to download the letter

ODP Fee Schedule Rates Fact Sheet

Get the Fact Sheet from our November Meeting

ID/A Associations Develop Unified Budget Ask

Click here to read the Unified Budget Ask.


Reposted articles and publications by or about our Community of families & providers.

No Fault of Their Own Video

The Arc of Cumberland & Perry Counties just released a powerful video addressing the lack of funding for direct support professionals. Anne and her team produced a highly impactful and emotional story from the perspective of individuals and families.

Direct Support Professionals, Providers Seeking $430 Million in Pa Budget

Providers say they can’t simply raise prices to increase wages because their services are funded primarily by Medicaid. They say inadequate rate fees imposed by the state do not cover the true costs of their services.

We have children living with intellectual disabilities. We’re at the end of our ropes | Opinion

Gov. Josh Shapiro, lawmakers need to address the crisis of direct support professionals, who are a lifeline for families

State Budget Debate: Intellectual Disability Community Resolves Not Be Left Behind

Op-Ed by Gary Blumenthal, Mechanicsburg, PA resident, disability advocate, and former federal official.

Editorial: An opportunity to stabilize Pa.’s disability care system

This editorial references the $430 million unified budget request submitted to Governor Shapiro from TPA and ID/A provider.

Action Center

Use the links below to contact the PA Legislature on important matters for our Community.

Share your personal story with Senator & Representative.

Visit our Action Center Today by Clicking Below:
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Find your Legislators

To find your legislators, go to the PA General Assembly locator tool.

TPA Overview of our Services and Membership

TPA Member organizations provide the full array of services at home, at work, and enjoying favorite activities in the community.

Workers Employed
Pennsylvania counties served
People Served

Invest $430 Million State Funds in our DSP Workforce

The Pennsylvania Provider Associations representing the ID/A community have developed a unified budget request to address the service crisis resulting from a depleted Direct Support Professional (DSP) workforce. Underinvestment in our workforces has resulted in below-market wages and benefits producing high turnover, widespread staff vacancies, and a reduction in services. The …Please see our letter to Governor Shapiro and TPA member talking points for further details and useful information that you may use to communicate this advocacy priority among those you serve, people within your organization, and everyone who support your mission.

Market Index Legislation to Keep Pace with Inflation

TPA supports legislation to establish a nationally recognized annually applied market index to fee schedule rates. Current Pennsylvania regulations only requires that the data used in rate development be updated once every three years. As market forces change constantly people needing services, their families, and provider organizations cannot plan and invest accordingly with no guarantee that service funding will not keep pace with inflation. TPA has successfully introduced legislation in the previous two legislative sessions and will continue to work diligently to obtain bipartisan support for this critical issue that we believe to be an essential element of a service system intended to support people for their entire life.

Market Index Legislation to Keep Pace with Inflation

The Prudent Payment Policy is a directive implemented in 2006 that permits the state to delay payment to service providers. While the Prudent Payment policy has been suspended during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency there is no guarantee the suspension will continue. If reinstated Prudent Payment would delay reimbursement of claims by an additional 21 days. This could be devastating for cash flow and meeting essential financial obligations that directly affect services. This policy adds a burden to an already stressed system facing unprecedented workforce challenges in a single-payer system where reimbursements have not kept pace with prevailing market conditions. We believe strongly that ending this practice will ensure ID/A providers are paid promptly for the care they deliver and ensure that some of the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable citizens do not lose access to critical services.

Promotion of Technology & System Simplification

TPA supports the adoption of technology that assists individuals in all aspects of their lives. TPA promotes system simplification that enables individuals to access services easily and eliminates duplication and unnecessary administrative burdens through efficient processes and technologies.